no1 laboratory

We are born with infinite possibilities




世界へのコーチングの普及 参加メンバーへの各種コーチングコンテンツの提供


Welcome to no1lab.

We are a group of professional coaches gathered with the goal of world peace.
To enable each and every person in the world to create the future they desire, we are doing the following activities;
Dissemination of coaching to the world,Providing various coaching contents to participating members,and Implementing contents.

第7回 future shaping in france

2023年の9月に行ったfuture shaping のアーカイブです
【第8回オンラインイベント Future Shaping 

◆Samiの日本語スピーチ LIVE

◆ZADAN フランスで日本語を学んでいるSamiにお話を伺いました。フランスからみた日本は?

◆織り会う 初のLIVE開催!着物の着方について

◆NEW TEGAMI 富士山頂から世界の友人へ送ったハガキについてのドキュメンタリー

◆シネマめがね LIVE 今回の題材はイギリス映画「Lock, stock and smoking two barrels」サイモンさんのオススメ

◆NEW ケニアプロジェクト 子供と女性の教育に尽力しているダンカンさんと、子供たちにお話をお伺いしました ◆宇宙教育会議 サイモン&香織さんにイギリスのお話をお伺いします


no1lab  contents

success box

Each person has a different definition of success and a different way of thinking. 

However, we are successful every day. 

In this content, all participants share various successes and get a new interpretation of success.

dream audition

Dreams are in the future. Obviously, many people are looking to the future based on the present. In this content, we will create a completely future-oriented space together and discover the dream (goal) that we really want, which is far from the current situation.

idea maker

Once you have decided on your future, it is important to know how to go, how to walk, and how to move toward the future. 

Skills, experiences, and hidden talents...  These are something that you will learn in your steps.

In this content, everyone will find his or her own way.

space education conferrence

What will be left for humankind 100 years from now?

Education is one of the important things.It's an area of interest to everyone, and at the same time there are a lot of problems.

In this lab, we will discuss the issues of education in each country connecting with people around the world. 

What kind of education is needed for children, who is creating the future?

And for all living in the present?

We will create various forms of education.


Everything in life is condensed into daily activities
We think.
If each person's daily activities are happy, the world will be peaceful.
With that in mind, we will focus on the activities of people around the world.
We will discuss various topics
The goal of this content is to raise this reality that each person is a citizen of the world.

From mathematics, we can develop the ability to raise and lower the level of abstraction, resolve blind spots, and see into the essence of things. In addition, its logic relates to the very foundation of human thought, and the view from the high perspective of its system shakes the aesthetic sense of the viewer. We aim to condense these elements in this contents and sharpen your thinking and senses.
cinema 眼鏡
 「シネマめがね」では、映画の登場人物を毎回一人取りあげ、その人物の価値観や行動に対し ①自分が共感するところ ②自分とは違うところ この2点について、参加者がそれぞれが考えたことを共有していきます。そして、出てきた意見に共通する面を皆で考え、視点を一段階引き上げていきます。 映画を題材にしていますが、話し合うテーマが設定されているので、映画そのものを見ていなくても参加できます。 自分の考えと同じところ・違うところの両面から考えること。他の参加者の意見を聞くことで新しいものの見方を発見すること。全てに共通する要素を考えてみること。こうした経験を重ねることで、より広く高い視野をもった思考を身につけていく場になります。また、その場で気づいたことを言葉にして周りの人に伝える習慣も身につけていくことができます。 自分以外の人の考えも尊重し受け止められるコーチが複数いるこのコミュニティ(No.1 Lab.)で、時に日本に関心のある海外の方も交えながら、リラックスして自分の思考と向き合い、磨いていく大切な時間を一緒に体験しましょう。

In “Cinema Glasses”, a character from a film is chosen each time and the participants share their thoughts on the values and actions of the character in terms of (1) what they identify with and (2) what they see as different from themselves. The participants then think together about the aspects that are common to the opinions expressed and raise their viewpoints to the next level. Although the film is the subject matter, the themes discussed are set, so you don't have to have seen the film itself to take part. To consider both the same and different aspects of your own ideas. To discover new ways of looking at things by listening to other participants' views. To consider the elements that are common to all. These experiences provide an opportunity to acquire a wider and higher perspective of thinking. You can also develop the habit of putting into words what you notice on the spot and communicating it to the people around you. In this community (No.1 Lab.), where there are several coaches who can respect and accept the ideas of others, sometimes with people from overseas who are interested in Japan, you can relax, face your own thoughts and experience important time together to refine them.
oriau  織りあう
着物は日本の伝統衣装ですが、着ることは日本人にとっても簡単ではありません。 ここでは着物に関するいろいろなテーマを用いて、 外国の方にも日本の方にも新しい発見ができる機会を提供していきます。 なにかリクエストがあれば、教えてください。

Kimono is a traditional Japanese costume, but it is not easy even for Japanese people to wear it by oneself. Using various themes related to kimono here, we will provide opportunities to fine new discoveries for not only people from other countries but also Japanese people. If you have any requests of theme, please let us know.

コンテンツ紹介 1

管理者 大嶋 陽介
Administrator Yosuke Oshima
コンテンツ配信日  毎週月曜日又は水曜日 日本時間21時から22時
Content delivery date: Every Monday or Wednesday 21:00 to 22:00 Japan time

コンテンツ紹介 2

管理者 久保田 歩
adminisutrator  Ayumi Kubota
コンテンツ配信  future shaping各会
Content distribution future shaping meetings

〇dream audition
〇idea maker

At no1lab, based on the 3 contents - Success box, Dream audition, and Idea maker - we all aim to realize a future that is unique to us all, and to find “No.1” in ourselves.

In the background, there is a coaching theory based on cognitive science. Anyone can participate and the contents are highly reproducible. 

What is important is experience, rather than knowledge. 

The field is here, and the power of the field will be further strengthened by those who participate.

lab member


You can create your future the way you like!



If we can create the future that each person wants, I think we will be one step closer to world peace. To that end, we will convey coaching to 195 countries around the world.


You may not really know what you want. As I spend more time looking for it and thinking about the future, I feel like it's natural to think that "Today will be a good day" ,without forcing myself to say it. Especially true if you are surrounded by friends who are honest with their own wishes,and at the same time, who care about the other person.

Let's create a better world together


"Connecting the world with coaching"
Berif Mesfin
私は、国際交流を通じて、世界平和に貢献します。 それぞれの文化や個人が尊重される世界は、平和なものになるはずです。

I will contribute to world peace through international exchange. A world where each culture and individual is respected will be a peaceful one.
久保田 歩

Iam going pursue what i can do while learning
the midset of our coaches 